S Yd Scotland Yard - traducción al ruso
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S Yd Scotland Yard - traducción al ruso

New Scotland Yard; Scotland yard; Scottland Yard; Scotland Yards; Scotland Yard detectives; NSY
  • The former New Scotland Yard building in Victoria Street
  • Rotating sign
  • The current site of New Scotland Yard, formerly the [[Curtis Green Building]]
  • The "New" Scotland Yard (built 1890), now called the [[Norman Shaw Buildings]]; at the far right is the Curtis Green Building, which became New Scotland Yard in November 2016
  • The original Scotland Yard (left, with clock) and [[Public Carriage Office]] (right)

Scotland Yard         


общая лексика

Скотленд-Ярд (традиционное название Столичной полиции [Metropolitan Police Force])

Скотланд-Ярд (центральное управление полиции в Лондоне)

Скотланд-Ярд (центральное управление полиции и сыскного отделения в Лондоне)

дословная передача

шотландский двор; первоначально часть Уайтхолльского дворца [Whitehall Palace], где размещались приезжавшие в Лондон короли Шотландии

New Scotland Yard         


общая лексика

Нью-Скотленд-Ярд (название Скотленд-Ярда [Scotland Yard] с 1891)

Scotland Yard         
Scotland Yard Скотланд-Ярд (центральное управление полиции и сыскного отделения в Лондоне)


(англ. Scotland Yard - по названию улицы в центре Лондона), центральное управление полиции и сыскное бюро в Лондоне; лондонская уголовная полиция.


Scotland Yard

Scotland Yard (officially New Scotland Yard) is the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police, the territorial police force responsible for policing Greater London's 32 boroughs, but not the City of London, the square mile that forms London's historic and primary financial centre. Its name derives from the location of the original Metropolitan Police headquarters at 4 Whitehall Place, which also had an entrance on a street called Great Scotland Yard. The Scotland Yard entrance became the public entrance, and over time "Scotland Yard" has come to be used not only as the name of the headquarters building, but also as a metonym for both the Metropolitan Police Service itself and police officers, especially detectives, who serve in it. The New York Times wrote in 1964 that, just as Wall Street gave its name to New York's financial district, Scotland Yard became the name for police activity in London.

The force moved from Great Scotland Yard in 1890, to a newly completed building on the Victoria Embankment, and the name "New Scotland Yard" was adopted for the new headquarters. An adjacent building was completed in 1906. A third building was added in 1940. In 1967, the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) consolidated its headquarters from the three-building complex to a tall, newly constructed building on Broadway in nearby Victoria. In summer 2013, it was announced that the force would move to Westminster's Curtis Green Building, which was once again renamed "New Scotland Yard." In November 2016, MPS moved to its present headquarters, which continues to bear the name "New Scotland Yard," the fourth location to do so.